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Tuesday, February 26, 2008



So even though Little Man is having issues we think it is not enough "Little Man" time so we started him in basketball today at the YMCA. It was SO cute! He is in a 4 year old class because he is so big and only has another month until his birthday. Can't wait until Thursday Daddy is going to take him.
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Today is Tuesday!

Well today is Tuesday and really my Thursday. I am VERY excited because Thursday and Friday I am going to the Sewing Expo with my mom. This is our third year. I am looking forward to a couple of days of learning and shopping!! YEAH! So other than that life is just life. Little Man is seriously going through the TERRIBLE THREES. Never had it at 2 but going through it now. He is getting in trouble more and more. Even at daycare. He has has four accidents in the last week and a half. Not just accidents though he will sit there and do it. Not like he is too busy to go. One morning he just laid in bed and peed. NICE! Not really. Well time for bed!
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Sunday, February 10, 2008



So today Little Man and I made cookies on a stick for daycare for Valentines Day. Man he is a hand full!!! Hoping when he hits 4 some magical switch will turn and he will get better at listening! I have been working hard on 24/7 MOMS E-news as well as our Evening of Hope Dinner Auction for Relay For Life. It is all coming together! Milkman and I went to a Chinese New Year Party last night at my bosses house. It was fun. We had a dart tournement and just socialized. That was our Valentine's Celebration! I got a Blackberry that I had been bugging Milkman for and I got Milkman Heath bars, his favorite. Kind of corny but he liked it!
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I am a blogger now!

I officially have a blog. This is great! Now what do I tell you all? More to come, bed time for now. Keep you waiting in suspense....
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