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Thursday, April 29, 2010


Awesome Blog Awards Are a Comin'

NOMINATE and vote for PLEASE!

So I just wanted to let you know I have decided to go ahead and host the Awesome Blog Awards 2010!
Do you remember last years? (be sure to check out this link so you know why on earth I would host such a thing!)
Here is the skinny.
There will be a nomination period in about a few days.
I am going to have five total categories where you can be nominated.

Awesomest Parenting Blog
Awesomest Inspirational Blog
Awesomest Food Blog
Awesomest Photography Blog
Awesomest Overall Blog

You can be nominated in every category if your blog fits the topic, but you can only win one.
The nomination period will only be one day.
It will be Friday, April 30th.
That means on Friday you can stop by and nominate yourself or whomever you want to honor for them awesome blog-ness. If only one person gets nominated in a category, then that person wins!
Then, most likely next Monday, the voting will begin! The voting period will be open for one full week! So you will have time to call grandma and let her know she needs to log in and vote for you. ;)
Now. Why do you want to win the Awesomest Blog Award?
There will be over $250 in cash and prizes up for grabs.
Plus braggin rights.
So be sure to stop back on Friday and nominate yourself or your bestie or your favorite blogger.


About Tanya -

Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.

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