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Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It got the coolest package!

I got the coolest package this last week! I got an offer to do a blog tour for EZ School Supplies from 24/7 MOMS and I accepted no really looking to see what EZ School Supplies is! But I got this HUGE package from Fed Ex! I opened it and much to my surprise was this GREAT box filled with ALL the school supplies my son would need to start school in this great box. It was WONDERFUL! I highly suggest you check it out if you have a child of school age. It is all your school supply shopping in one stop! If your school participates and submits to this company their supply lists you can actually look up the supply list and order it all at once. If your school enrolls in the program EZ School supplies will also donate 10% of the sales back to your school!

Check it out!


About Tanya -

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