One of the great ways I foudn to prepare the older child for your new arrival is books! There are tons of books all about being a Big Brother or Sister! I found this great book Making Me: The Pregnancy Activity Book for My Big Brother/Sister by Julie Carr. Julie was nice enough to send me a copy of her book to giveaway to one of my readers.
Making Me: The Pregnancy Activity Book for My Big Brother/Sister is great for children who are 5 years-10 years old. And it is best to get it when you first find out you are expecting beucase the acitivtes take the big brother/sister through the entire pregnanacy.
Here is some more information about the book.
CONGRATULATIONS! You're going to be a big brother or sister!
I want to teach you about me, the baby-to-be, and make this pregnancy as fun as possible for you. Every day, from the time I'm just a single cell to the day I'm born, I will let you know what's happening with me. I'll also have something fun for you to do each day, whether it's coloring, counting, measuring, jumping, journaling, or something else. Wow! Learning *and* having fun. What a concept.
You'll be able to see how big I am with the Mighty Measuring Tape and can track the days to my due date with the cool Countdown Car on every page.
Bonus features!
- Includes 4 colored pencils to help you write, color, and draw.
- Includes the 24" Mighty Measuring Tape to track my growth.
- Hard cover, 286 pages.
Hear what the big-shots have to say about this book:
"Making Me is a creative one-of-a-kind daily calendar that teaches siblings about fetal development in a fun and interactive way." - Jodie Oltmans, MD, Pediatrician
"As a child psychologist, I highly recommend this book to parents who wish to nurture a healthy sibling relationship as early as possible by involving their child in the new baby's development... This book is packed full of engaging, age-appropriate, multi-sensory activities that are perfect for children of all ages."- Robin Malinosky-Rummell, Ph.D., child clinical psychologist, school psychologist, and author of " Bring Your Own Children: South America! A Family Sabbatical Handbook"
"Just as Countdown to My Birth is a charming way to help expecting mothers form an emotional bond with their unborn child, Making Me is an ingenious way to help older siblings form an emotional bond with their unborn brother or sister.- Bruce Lansky, author of 100,000+ Baby Names
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Write commentsMy daughter is due in Sept.12,2009 an she has one daughter who is almost 2
I am expecting a new baby November 11th, 2009 and have one 5-year old daughter too.
ReplyI would love to win this for my sister. She is due at the end of June and she has a 9 year old son.
ReplyI'm entering for a friend of mine who has 5 kids and is due with her 6th in August. This would be great for her! Thanks for the chance - alicedemske at
ReplyI am entering on behalf of my oldest daughter. She is due on 8/3/09 with another girl. She already has a daughter age 3.
ReplyMy hubby and I are trying for baby #2 and I have a one year old.
newmommyin08 {at} yahoo {dot} com
This would be a gift.
ReplyMy SIL is 6months along and already have 3 children
We currently have one, but we're working on having another one. This would be great to read to our son!