One of the most memorable things I remember growing up as a child was baking with my mom. Just two years ago my cousin (who was turning 13) asked for an Easy Bake Oven for her birthday. At first I thought she was kidding. Next month she will turn 17 and I think she still uses it. There is something very rewarding about baking and cooking your own food. It is also a very creative activity for children, I know Little Man LOVES to help in the kitchen.
What better way to start you child's Independence of baking than with an Easy Bake Oven?
Hasboro, the makers of Easy Bake Ovens have been hosting the "BAKER OF THE YEAR" contest.
On April 7, 2009 they announced the seven finalists who will be flown to Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa in WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, where they will compete for the title of EASY-BAKE 2009 "Baker of the Year" on May 7, 2009. These seven children represent different states all over the country. Each finalist will be assisted in the kitchen throughout the competition by their baking “sous chef" - a parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle.One of the finalists this year is from our bakyard! From Olympia, WA MaCall Prengel, 10 years old. Her entry "S'mores Snacks/Chocolaty Peanut Butter" is two exceptional treats rolled into one. The combination of sticky marshmallow, creamy chocolate and gooey peanut butter will have judges asking for "s'more." MaCall will have a helping hand in the kitchen from her mom Danelle.
The other finalists are are follows:
Drew Adams: 9 years old from Elizabeth, West Virginia
Elizabeth Adams: 12 years old from Elizabeth, West Virginia
Catherine Ralston: 12 years old from New Albany, Ohio
Morgan Sartor: 8 years old from Portland, Connecticut
Taylor Spallanzani: 11 years old from Morganville, New Jersey
Hannah Toomey: 11 years old from Allentown, Pennsylvania
During the EASY-BAKE 2009 “Baker of the Year” finals, contestants will once again be judged on creative use of ingredients, presentation, ease of preparation, and taste. The grand prize winning pair in the EASY-BAKE 2009 "Baker of the Year" contest will receive a culinary-inspired trip for four to San Francisco, CA, where the group will visit local food-related sites and attractions. The six runners-up will each receive a $500 VISA gift card and a one-year supply of EASY-BAKE Brand mixes. All finalists will have their recipe and a photo of their creation appear on the EASY-BAKE website.

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Write commentsMy most memorable baking experience was when I made my mom a Valentine's day cake when I was probably 9 or 10. It was a three-layer cake, and each layer was a smaller heart-shaped cake. It was SO gaudy, with purple, pink, red and white frosting swags, garlands, flowers and hearts all OVER it! I went a little crazy with the decorating bags and tips! But it tasted SO good and my mom loved it! :)
ReplyHello! This Easy Bake Oven certainly brings back great memories. I have always loved to bake breads, cookies, pies, etc. My mom passed away almost 9 years ago and I miss making Christmas cookies with her.
ReplyI loved being the cookie batter taster! Our favorites to bake were Oatmeal, Peanut Butter and Butter Cookies (in Christmas shapes).
We weren't very good at cookie decorating, but they tasted fantastic! What happy memories I
have to cherish. Thanks for the delightful prize giveaway drawing.
I am a follower of yours on Twitter!
ReplyAgain, thanks.....Cindi
I started making biscuits when I was about 9 years old. I was so proud, especially when my grandpa told me they were the best he ever ate. :)
ReplyTweeted: Win Easy Bake @tanyapeila
ReplyTwtr: gahome2mom
My most memorable baking experience was the time a friend and I decided to surprise the family with homemade donuts. We got all the ingredients together which some of them made it into the bowl,the rest on the floor,
Replycounter and table. We got our patter in one of those donut makers and plopped them into grease. After our pancakes were done (yep flat as a pancake they all were) we lined them on paper towels splattering grease all over. My mom came home and just about fainted. We made a total disaster of the kitchen. Needless to say that was our last time making donuts. Thank you for the fantastic giveaway!
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I remember being about 8 or 9 and getting to bake "all by myself" with my Easybake oven. I made yellow cake with chocolate icing. It was the best cake I had ever eaten in my whole life! lol! Thanks for the chance ;)
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My most memorable baking experience...hmmm. I think it was the time I was pregnant and so absent-minded that I left the sugar out of a blueberry cobbler!
ReplyIt's going to sound sappy but my most memorable experiences are NOW whenever my kids bake with me. I really enjoy passing on my love of cooking to them.
Replya childhood memory - when I used 3 TABLESPOONS of chili powder instead of the 3 TEASPOONS the recipe called for. Yuck!
cpamomva at hotmail dot com
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cpamomva at hotmail dot com
I remember baking with my mom. I actually remember watching her bake. I'd stand on the opposite side of the counter and talk to her and watch as she mixed everything together. I loved seeing all those ingredients come together and eventually make somthing super tasty when it came out of the oven. I still love it! :-)
ReplyOh! How fun! My daughter would LOVE THIS!! I had an Easy Bake Oven when I was a kid, but I think my most memorable experience was working at my Dad's bakery growing up. I made some crazy creations!
My most memorable baking experience is probably when my mother and I were making sugar cookies, and left out the sugar! They ended up like lumpy biscuits, and were not very delicious. :-) It's a great memory. My mother and I spent a lot of time in the kitchen together.
ReplyMemorable baking? How about memory-less baking?
ReplyLeaving sugar out of baked goods must be an unwritten symptom of pregnancy. I did the same thing with lemon-poppy seed muffins. That was about two days after I forgot to put yeast in my rolls. I cried over that. It's tough being pregnant, ain't it?
I'd love to win this one so I can teach the little girl who was in my tummy how *not* to bake.
I'm following you on Twitter! Username is Spoodles.
ReplyMy most memorable baking experience? Hmmm. Probably making Christmas sugar cookies with my sister when I was a kid.
ReplyWould love to win this for my girls!
Mine would defintiely have to be baking/decorating Christmas cookies every Christmas!!
Replycontact me at:
Being a child in the 60s/70s I had always wanted an Easy Bake oven but sadly I never got one. My daughters would be thrilled to have it.
ReplyMy most memorable: having my Grandma show me her extra special secret pie dough recipe. Ever since then everyone comments on what great pies I make.
I will never forget the first time my husband and I made chocolate chip cookies together. We were just dating at the time, but it was so romantic! Now, we love to bake together.
ReplyChristmas cookies were always my dad's job when i was growing up, and baking with dad was always memorable!
Replynifferjeno at gmail dot com
Some of my best memories are using my easy bake oven as a kid. I have to say my brothers enjoyed it as well. They always put their army men in there!! UGH!
Replyfollow you on twitter SaraMama
ReplyMy most memorable event with baking was with my mom. I was six and standing on a chair while helping my mom make chocolate chip cookies. I was so excited to eat them, I jumped up and fell off the back of the chair and broke my collar bone.
ReplyI remember that my sis had one when I was little and she would make goodies for me sometimes and have little tea parties with me. It was a big deal because she's 7 years older and didn't do that very often
Replyaddeviant006 at gmail dot com
twitter follower (addeviant)
Replyaddeviant006 at gmail dot com
Last yesr I decided to bake my son an elaborate train cake for his birthday. I spent hours decorating it, and then no would eat it at the party because they said they hated to ruin it. After the party, my son snuck over to the table, and smashed it to bits.
I really don't have too many 'baking' experiences and most of them that I do have probably involve the easy bake oven or microwave oven.
Mine is more of a "cooking" experience :) Me and my three older sisters (I think we were between the ages of 5-12) would always get the biggest pot in the kitchen and put it on the stove fill it with water and go through my moms spice cabinet and make "soup" It NEVER tasted good, but was always a fun and favorite thing to do on cold days :)
I can't believe I'm posting this...but my most memorable baking moment as a kid occurred when my mom's old friend came to visit. They had known each other since they were flight attendants before I was born.
ReplyEveryone laid down to take a nap - except me and Delores (mom's friend). I convinced her I knew how to make the best tasting snack...ever. I was about 5 and Delores never had she was easy to convince.
I remember it being liquidy - and I put it in a bread baking pan. The only 3 ingredients I remember putting in? Cinnamon sticks, chicken boullion and Tobasco Sauce. (Makes you hungry, doesn't it??)
I refrigerated it for several hours. And here is the best part...I have no idea WHY - but Delores ate (slurped) every last bit of what was put in her bowl. My mom was beyond ticked - but Delores kept telling her to leave me alone and that she was eating the best concoction...ever!
Thanks for the contest
Most memorable experience baking was visiting my grandmother and baking her fluffy sugar cookies that we decorated for Christmas. Those were the best sugar cookies I have ever had in life.
I once was supposed to bake a blackberry pie for my husband, except I thought the shell was already pre-baked. So, I just stuck it in the refrigerator to set. I cut him a piece, and he actually finished it. Afterwards, I took a bite and discovered how awful it was. I asked him how he could have eaten it, and he said he was afraid not to. ... I was VERY pregnant at the time and quite hormonal. He still makes fun of me for that.:-)
ReplyI remember making all kinds of cakes and my Dad was the one that I made taste them all! I think I was about 6 so not to sure what they tasted like~but he ate them with a smile and told me that they were good..He is gone now so that is a great memory!!
ReplyThanks for the chance to win~I would love this to help my grandchildren make memories too :)
I was determined to make my first pie when I was 9. It was custard and it didn't turn out so well, but my Dad ate it and told me it was good.
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My most favorite baking memory is as an adult, my sisters, sis in laws, mom, nieces and nephews all meet at my sis's pizza shop. No pizzas are made that day, We all bring cookie recipes and ingredients and we bake all day and then swap things to take home. While cookies are baking we are all decorating gingerbread houses. It is so much fun.
ReplyGreat memories being made. I had a Easy Bake oven as a kid and Loved it. I would love for my niece to have this to love.
I remember my Mom and me baking Christmas iced sprinkle cookies in sweet cut out shapes every year for as long as I have memories. I bake with my children now. I make the cookies the very same as my Mom. She does everything the very best. I had an Easy Bake oven. I would love to win one for my daughter, Andrea!! Just in time for her birthday. Blessings, Stefanie Hartman
Replymy most memorable moments were making biscuits with my were they ever good. Somehow, I just cannot repeat her recipe.
Replydctm at bellsouth dot net
I will always remember baking PB cookies with my grandma and now I am making baking memories with my daughter too!!
I am now following on Twitter :)
I remember my younger brothers napping amd my mom and I baking all afternoon. It was so fun! She would put on a Disney movie (usually Cinderella) and we would bake and snack!!
ReplyI loved it when my grandmother which is passed away and my mom and me would cook cookies around Christmas time! It was so much fun and that is were I got alot of my cooking from watching my grandmother and mom! Now I show the kids how to cook cookies1
ReplyI was baking in a large kitchen and made cookies with salt, it was gross :(
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ReplyUsername: wastebasket
when my sister and i had to walk home from school on a rainy day when we were kids, we would come home put on our pjs, bake some brownies, and snuggle into our blankets and watch a movie together. It was our rainy day ritual lol.
ReplyI was not allowed to have an Easy Bake Oven when I was a girl. I went to another state to visit a cousin and she had one. They would not play with me... so I baked ALL of her easy bake oven mixes that day. Boy, was she mad when she found out!
ReplyI remember making chocolate cupcakes and deciding that a hint of mint would improve the frosting. I proceeded to add way too much peppermint extract. The cupcakes were nearly inedible.
Replywolfcarol451 at gmail dot com
About two years ago, I made a Black Forest type cake from a recipe printed on a Philadelphia cream cheese package- in homage to a vacation my sis and I were taking to Philly. My creation was delicious- we ate it all in less than two days! I can still remember how good it tasted and how happy we were :)
ReplyMy most memorable baking experience is my mom teaching me to make pancakes (from scratch) when I was young... one day I decided I was ready to try it myself so I got out the cookbook and started mixing up the recipe. Unfortunately, my mom kept all of our cooking basics in unlabeled glass jars so I took what I thought was flour and mixed it right in. Eventually I couldn't figure out why the batter was thin and soupy and, after my mom came in and tasted it, it turned out that I had used two cups of sugar instead of flour. The batter sure ended up sweet, although unusable. Thanks!
ReplyOne memorable experience is memorable because it my creation turned out horrible.
ReplyI decided to make pizza dough from scratch. I began by doubling the ingredients and somewhere along the line, I forgot I was doubling and ended up with a sticky slimy mess. I kept adding flour to try and thicken it up but it just never worked.
my most memorable cooking moments is when me and my kids moved and we decided to make my daughters 5 yr old bday cake our self since i usually order them and we did a strawberry bundt cake with pink frosting and white swirls on it and sprinles and my daughter had to have the mini marshmellows on it and then we stuck one of her barbies it the middle to make it a barbie cake it was quite unique but she loved it haha
ReplyMy most memorable baking experience was when I was 12 years old and my mother was sick in bed, and I decided to bake peanut butter cookies all by myself, and they tasted awesome!!
I spent an afternoon with my daughter, making my famous tortilla soup. It was fun, and the soup was delicious! Plus, now the kinder knows how to make it. I have an excuse to let her loose when I'm too tired. :-)
ReplyMy mom and I used to bake with an Easy Bake oven when I was a child...I was an only child so I spent a lot of time doing "big grown up things" like baking and cooking
Replyjasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
My most memorable baking experience was when I baked 3 cups of sugar in a birthday cake I made for my gramma when I was a kid! I thought it would be such a loving gesture! And, I'm happy she loved me as much as she did! Because, she never said a word except "Delicious!" Unconditional love! : )))
ReplyThanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
And, I am following you on TWITTER....username: mamaleahita!!! : )))
ReplyThanks again for the give~away! : )))