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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


My Weekend!

What did you do this weekend?
This weekend we FINALLY/OFFICIALLY finished unpacking. (with some HEAVY persuasion from the Milk Man).
But that is just where the weekend finished!
Saturday, I mowed the lawn, this is very therapeutic for me. Especially when I crack up the iPod and sing my little heart away! THEN, my mom came over and brought me some veggie seedlings and we added them to the garden.
Sunday, after the final unpacking, we had some family time and painted and played some games. THEN it was time to break out the weed whacker put the finishing touches on the yard! Lastly, spreaded the Weed And Feed on the ever growing Chia Pet (newly seeded front yard) and the weekend was done!
I'm a bit sore today and think I almost need a day to recover from the weekend. But it was GREAT exercise and lots of great family fun!


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