We are all starting to think about and plan our
summer activities. Yesterday we talked about how we can help our community out. Today we are going to talk about getting the community involved in our summer plans!

Karen Bantuveris, a management consultant working-mom, became a Girl Scout leader and PTA board member once her daughter entered school. Shocked at all the ‘little things’ that made volunteering a hassle, and fueled by frustration with reply-all emails, clipboards, Online! Groups, and late night reminder messages…she decided to do something about it.
VolunteerSpot launched in Spring, 2009 with the mission of enabling ANYONE to quickly mobilize and coordinate volunteers in their community, congregation and social network. VolunteerSpot’s simple sign up application makes it easy for community members to participate and say YES to volunteering. No waiting for approvals and passwords, no software to install, just easy, free scheduling and sign up tools for everyday heroes making a difference.

Providing a quality summer camp experience doesn’t have to be expensive -- find a willing group of friends and neighbors and have a Do It Yourself Kids Summer Camp. Our complete guide to DIY Neighborhood Summer Camp includes suggestions and ideas that make planning your camp a breeze. VolunteerSpot’s free online scheduling tool makes it easy for parents to sign up to share the workload, making more fun for all!
Volunteer Spot offers a free e-book called "DIY Neighborhood Summer Camp ". What are GREAT way to get all the kids and parents involved in summer activities!
VolunteerSpot offers FREE eBooks to support your local community volunteer planning, fundraising, and service activities. We invite you to download and share our eBooks with your friends, family and fellow volunteer leaders. Spread the word....with VolunteerSpot, DOING GOOD just got easier!