This is the end of our Back To School Madness but in reality just the beginning of it!
Here are some Back To school traditions you can use or start your own!
My kids are adults now, but when they were growing up, I took a picture of each of them on the first day of school every year (even when they were older and rolled their eyes and said, "Oh Mom!") They love to see those pictures now. Barb McCandless Norfolk, VA
We have two back to school traditions:
1) Mom and Dad both work full time and summer time is the busy season. So, our family doesn't have lots of extra time to do what might be considered normal summer time activities. But, on the last weekday before the first day of school. (Our school normally starts on a usually the Monday before..) everyone takes the day off and we just be together and swim in our pool and do fun things. Kind of one last day of fun before we go back to the grind.
2) We traditionally have quite an elaborate breakfast on the first day of school. (although probably lots of families do that...) Catherine Banks
My father always took a photo of the three of us on the first day of school each year. Sarah Jacobs
Here are a couple Back to School Tips too!
1) I make a whole week's worth of lunches for both kids on Sunday, and have them completely ready to go, labeled, and lined up in the fridge. I keep sandwiches from getting soggy by spooning cream cheese, jam, and what-not in little zip-lock bags. The kids squeeze out the fillings, putting all the ingredients together themselves at lunch. Knowing that lunch is ready to go gives us a ton more time to spend doing the things we need to do like homework, and the things we really love to do, like play the guitar and play with our new dog.
2) Living five minutes from school means that evenings are less stressful for everyone. We can stay up later, go out for ice cream, and walk the dog a little longer, knowing that if we have forgotten to do something the night before, our routine won't implode come morning. It just gives everybody more breathing room. JACQUELINE EDELBERG
One tip I have for a quick and healthy breakfast is microwaved scrambled eggs in a mug. My husband can't wrap his mind around the whole "microwaving eggs" concept, but it's delicious, and the cleanup is such a breeze compared to the skillet and utensils required for other egg preparations. Plus, eggs have such beneficial properties for children - the protein and nutrients keep them feeling fuller longer than, say, a sugary poptart or muffin. Here's how I do it: Spray the inside of a mug with nonstick spray. Crack an egg into the mug and beat with a fork. Add a splash of milk and whatever complimentary ingredients you have on hand (cottage cheese, shredded cheese, leftover meats or finely chopped veggies, etc.), and stir. Microwave for 35 seconds, stir, and microwave for an addiitonal 20. (For two eggs, microwave for 60 secs, stir, and then an additional 30 ... play around with the timing as microwaves vary ...) Eat them right out of the mug (even in the car, on the way to school!) or top them on a half english muffin or wheat toast. Wonderful! Best of luck on your story. Stephanie Webb