The great summer festivals are ready to hit the continental Europe with the season gradually approaching towards its end. Visitors to the continent in the next few months will be able to participate in a number of events to be hosted by the countries across the British Channel from which we have selected a few wonderful festivals in France which would be an added attraction for people travelling to France at the end of this summer.
With several ferries to France plying on the Dover-Calais route and the Dover-Dunkirque route across the Channel, travellers have a plenty of choice to go for a fantastic summer break to the continent with friends and family. They could easily book a ferry with any of these companies taking advantage of the cheap summer deals currently available with most of these operators. Not only is it economic but also very convenient to load the cars with as much luggage as possible and sail towards the most popular destinations in France that are ready to welcome the visitors with the great musical feast. Unlike the UK where people celebrate summer festivals by enjoying live rock music on the streets and unlimited beer, the seasonal festivals in France come with more cultural flavour with them. Once such festival is, Les Nuits de Fourviére held in Lyon every year from June to August. The two- month long event organises a number of programmes including theatre, dance, music and film. Burgundy is one more festival that takes place in Beaun between 3 to 26 July, playing a wonderful series of Opera concerts, the ‘sacred music’ and the festival is popularly known as Festival International d’opéra baroque de Beaune. People looking for more classical music can visit Nancy and Lorraine for the Nancyphonies – Festival de Nancy between 8th July and 5th August.