One thing that is shared by Mums around the world is the feeling that there just aren’t enough hours in the day. If you slump down onto the sofa after a day of cleaning, tidying, washing and cooking and feel that spark of motivation to spend an hour on the treadmill, you’re certainly in the minority. For the rest of us, the feeling that we could be doing more to improve our health and fitness is off-set by the fact that we’re just too rushed off of our feet to find the time to do much about it.
There’s no need to feel guilty that health and well-being is pushed to the bottom of the pile, behind homework and tomorrow’s packed lunch. However, in a world filled with cars, microwaves and TV dinners, it’s really important that you teach the merits of a healthy lifestyle to your children, and there’s no better way than being a good role model. So, here are some ways that you can squeeze some activity into your daily routine without realising:
Do Things Together: Children make great personal trainers and they’re free! So pull out your bicycles from the back of the garage and go on an adventure together. If you have little ones who are too young to cycle for themselves, those great seats or towable tents can make them feel included in the fun. Don’t limit cycling time to a Sunday afternoon only; there are plenty of trips that you can make during the week where the car can be left at home18
Make it a Play Date: If you feel a bit daunted by the idea of taking the kids to the swimming pool alone, why not call up a good friend and make a play-date of it? The responsibility of keeping an eye on the kids will be shared between the two of you and the splashing around and having fun will help to burn far more calories than you would if you were sat in front of the Wii. Also, going with a friend adds an extra level of motivation, as you will be far less likely to change your mind 5 minutes beforehand.
Join a Team: Summer activity schemes usually start around this time of year, so keep your eye out for soccer, football and softball teams advertising in your area. Some teams have both junior and Mom & Dads’ leagues too, and the sense of team-spirit and new friends that you make will make going to training feel like more of a social event than exercise.
Have Fun: Do you often find yourself gazing out of the kitchen window while your little ones are having a great time chasing around garden? Well, put down the scouring cloth, step away from the sink and join in! Spending half an hour running after a Frisbee or playing goalie isn’t going to put you behind on your chores for the rest of the week, but it’ll certainly get your blood pumping and the smiles all-round will make it all worthwhile.
About the author: Victoria Crowdell works for, leading suppliers of ‘capital’ sports equipment and wet pour safety surfaces.