There is nothing I love more than warm weather and sunshine and if you are looking for a way to improve your fitness level, summer is the time year when you can enjoy many activities that cannot be enjoyed at any other time. So, get your outdoor gear ready and prepare to have some fun.
Kayaking is a great way to enjoy the beauty of the water and get a workout at the same time. This sport gives you a great upper body workout and burns about 340 calories per hour. There is a learning curve when it comes to removing yourself from a closed kayak. Enjoy the beauty of the water and its wildlife from a kayak.
Inline skating is a great way to burn calories. This activity gets rid of more than 800 calories an hour as well as toning the lower body. The parks in my area are full of people enjoying nature on skates. This is an activity that is easy on your joints and if this is something you always thought you would enjoy, but are afraid take lessons and enjoy the outdoors on skates.
Hiking is one of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors and leave the rate race least for a short while. This activity burns about 400 calories per hour and is great for your heart and lungs. Make sure you are wearing shoes that are broken in and are not going to hurt your feet. There is no better way to enjoy the beauty of the earth than by hiking through the wilderness.
Bicycling is a great way to spend time with your family and burn 500 calories per hour. There are cycling clubs that ride in the parks and also along other bike trails. This has become a popular activity for both individuals and groups. This is great sport for people from 6 to 80. This is another one that is also easy on the joints.
Swimming is a great family sport that burns about 800 calories an hour. Some of the activities that are most fun are badminton and volleyball played in the water. Treading water is a fantastic way to exercise in a nongroup setting and water aerobics is another activity done in the water that has become popular in recent years.
Summer is the best time to get physically fit just because it is easy to make exercise fun. It can be an individual event or something that is done as a group or with your family. If you can get yourself in a fitness routine in the summer, it is that much easier to carry it over into the winter.
By: Marjorie Salada
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Marjorie is an author that enjoys writing about health and finance. You can visit her latest site at where you can find information on Used Exercise Bikes.
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